Esther Ponce Magazine

Esther Ponce Magazine



Three years full of surreal adventures, successfully at a frenetic rhythm in Los Angeles, California 

Last chapter 33. " THE DIPLOMAT” First part.

The advice that my father gave me at the Barajas airport in Madrid before changing my life and traveling for the first time to Los Angeles, California, was more than fulfilled; —Daughter, first show yourself who you are and what you are capable of in a country like the USA and then the rest will come alone… he said. what more could I ask for? My American dream fulfilled, friends that I would keep forever, moments and experiences that I will never forget. The virgin of the helpless that my mother hung around my neck and that I still wore, never left me… LA was already like my second home.

When I stop teaching the general flamenco classes, we no longer went to our favorite bar The Dime, but that day was Tuesday, we wanted to remember old times and I met Sofía to tell her all the news about my last trip to Madrid. As always we order some apple cocktails. Sofía was getting more and more excited about my stories and as soon as I told her about the invitation to the designer's birthday, she didn't hesitate for a minute, and she wasn't thinking about anything other than getting her plane ticket to Madrid.
As the apple cocktail ran through our veins, a guy came to our table, and since the bar was very small, dark and cozy, he very politely asked us to sit with us, while he waited for his friend, whom we had not yet seen. He was at the bar ordering his drinks. He was a physiotherapist and very nice, actually quite handsome for a Japanese. But I wanted to continue alone with Sofía planning the blowout party that we were going to have in Madrid. Until his friend came to the table and I almost gave me a heart attack! If I was already 34 years old, he would be 25… I have definitely always been a fatal attraction for boy toys … I no longer felt like talking about Madrid. Tall, dark with green eyes, strong but natural, not from a gym and dressed just like it drives me crazy; In a tight white cotton short-sleeved T-shirt, and a Levis 501. The first thing he did when we were introduced was to ask me if I was Jewish, I remind you that we were in a bar where 90 percent of the customers are Jewish. Then he asked me if I would let him touch my hair. His name was Izan, when he put his long fingers like those of a pianist inside my curls and approached me telling me in my ear that he loved the softness and smell of my hair, I looked at Sofía and without speaking to each other we already knew the end of the story and we were ready to start the script that we had played so many times and that we loved. This time he was not a Malibu surfer, Izan was a screenwriter for Paramount Pictures and lived very close to the bar. Sofía had to work the next day and my intuition told me to stay and enjoy LA while I was there , which was less and less.

On the way to his house, we bought take out beers with some slices of pizza with delicious spicy salami that they made right next door.
The apartment was pure Japanese style. They had moved a few days ago, so it was practically empty and full of boxes. Izan and I shared pizza as he excitedly told me all about the Paramount movie that was about to come out; Collateral, starring Tom Cruise and written by his cousin Stuart Beattie, who became super famous for writing the 2003 script for Pirates of the Caribbean ... when by chance we heard the door of the Japanese room close. There was only one chair in one corner of the living room where Izan sat, who did not even let me pass in front of him, and grabbing me tightly around the waist as if I was going to escape, he turned me around and sat me on top of him. He grab my hair tightly, we look into each other's eyes with such passion that just remembering it makes my stomach tickle ... we kiss like two savages who can't be separated and that's when Izan told me; - You want to see what I got?… We hugged and loved each other until dawn in that chair that I will never forget, it was incredible !.

I was looking forward to telling Sofía about my night of passion and the famous erotic phrase that nobody told me before and that we still remember and laugh today. But we had to wait a week for Sofía to finish a very important trial.
Meanwhile, I was preparing the outfits that I would take to Madrid and I was also super happy because my period was about to come and that way I would be in Madrid in a better mood, free from having to be in the bathroom all the time and carrying a bigger bag with everything the survival kit.
But the days passed and the "Tomaka Cow" as I called it, never come . I was a week late and I was punctual as the clock on the Puerta del Sol chimes for the New Year. I started to get quite nervous, everything was going through my head; What if I was pregnant? That was impossible because we had been careful, but it was all so wild that ... I had to urgently buy a test at the pharmacy. What if it tested positive? I did not want to give izan my phone number because I would fall madly in love with him and it was not in my plans, but ... how was I going to notify him ? Should I let him know?
I didn't want to say anything to Sofía until I could see her in person. We met at The Grove, in the bar of the restaurant that is right in front of the mythical fountain, with its colored lights, in front of the cinema that reminded me even more of the screenwriter, and on top of it a lot of children screaming and running.
To make matters worse, the first thing Sofía said to me as soon as she saw me was; -“How nice, Monty!" in the end you bought the Victoria's Secret augmentation bra that you talked so much about. It looks great on you and you have increased one or two sizes as you wanted… when I told her that I was wearing the same bra as always and she saw my scared face, she quickly called the waiter saying that we urgently needed an attitude adjustment. But when the Strawberry Vodka shots arrived, she rectified and very delicately brought mine to her side and asked me for a Coke just in case.
I was afraid to take the test and face reality, but I couldn't wait much longer. The only thing that was clear to me was that if I was pregnant I would move on. That week I had a lot of time to think about what really scared me, being pregnant or gaining weight and stopping dancing. Luckily Sofía reminded me that the physiotherapist, when telling him that I was a dancer, had given me a card in case I needed him, so when the time came I could locate Izan. We went to the pharmacy to buy the pregnancy test that I would make when I got home at night and I was calm and alone.

I was meeting the Consul for dinner. It had been a long time since we saw each other, I didn't really want to go, but it was the third time I canceled and a little distraction would not hurt before I knew the result. Throughout dinner, the Consul kept repeating to me that he had been thinking that at his age, he must have already been a father and what it would be like to have a daughter with me, that she would be called Esthercita and that she would be very beautiful, that we would improve the species and that would surely come out with blue eyes. I immediately thought of Izan's big green eyes and for a moment I imagined a blonde girl with golden curls, naughty and actress ... That conversation was leaving me amazed. It seemed like a joke of fate, or was motherhood knocking on my door? That was the last time I met the Consul.

The designer's birthday was very full, and I had not been happier in my life with the menstrual kit in my bag, this time it did not even change my mood. Going to the bathroom was wonderful and the "Tomaka Cow" was my best ally. The party was in the basement, where formerly the offices of a bank had been and the guests were all VIPs. We were having a great time, but Sofía was only thinking about going to the El Cardamomo bar to continue the party with the Flamencos. But something inside me, told me to wait a little longer, that the night was long and that the flamencos never left. To go to the bathroom, I had to go up to the restaurant and the queue was huge, even so I told Sofía that I preferred to go to that bathroom, which would be cleaner and would take a while. I told her to order another drink and then we would go to Calle Echegaray. It was impossible for Sofía to be alone for a single minute, her American beauty attracted a lot of attention. When I came downstairs, she was talking to two boys, one was Venezuelan and totally drunk, it was that kind of unpresentable Madrid nightlife characters, who at a certain time would not let him enter anywhere and the other was a not very tall boy with one eye a little clearer than another, North American, very scandalous and super nice, he spoke Spanish very well, but he still had the typical accent of "guiri" when saying Torero . Sofía, who had studied at the University of Salamanca, had no accent, in fact, she often pretended to be Spanish. We spent some time chatting super nice, the American's name was William and I liked him a lot. It is true that a sense of humor is the best weapon to flirt with, but that boy's sympathy was natural and I would have stayed longer talking to him, but I had promised to take Sofía to a flamenco party, for her it was a dream come true every time that I presented her to famous artists and much more to finish in private parties where without me it would be difficult to access. Then when we said goodbye, William gave me his card and told me to call him because he would like to invite me to a party that he would give at his house. He could have given the card to Sofía, but it is seen that he preferred the Spanish ones. He had been living in Madrid for two years, he was a diplomat and worked at the American Embassy, ​​where some time ago we had lived one of the most surreal experiences of my life with the musicians of Flamenco Dreams for the visa application.
We ended up partying at El Candela, a shabby bar in the Lavapies neighborhood with a lot of history due to the number of flamenco artists that passed by. It had some caves where the best parties that I have ever seen were formed and to which you could only go down if you were a man or if they knew you well. Dawn gave us singing and dancing through Bulerías with artists from Jerez de la Frontera, the dancer Joaquin Grillo fell in love with me and he wouldn't let me leave… we really enjoyed listening to the singer Maria Toledo who was so high.

It was the day of the William party but I had decided not to go, I did not know anyone, Sofía had returned to LA and surely he would be aware of all his guests or he would not even remember me.
That same afternoon a boy called me that I had met at the FITUR tourism fair at the meal given by the President of Galicia Mr Manuel Fraga Iribarne, who was a neighbor of my godmother at her vacation home in Pontedeume and a close friend of the family. Since himself inaugurated the Museum of my godfather Mr Julio Prieto Nespereira in Ourense. To invite me to have a drink at the Pacha nightclub where he was going to meet with various art dealers. At lunch he gave me a VIP card to enter Pacha's Heaven, which was on the top floor and where personalities from the jet set went. Few people had that card and it was like credit cards but black with silver letters and when I presented it at the door, the doorman called the manager, looked me up and down and let me pass. I had not returned to Pacha since I was a super young girl who went with my friends from school and the doorman Arturo, I sneaked in without paying and the “Moco Band “was famous, there I met Luismi, my first boyfriend.
Finally I reached the fourth floor, to Heaven, and there he was at the bar waiting for me, the "Baralloca" a word in Galician that is called a person who talks a lot but only says nonsense. He asked me for a drink and introduced me to Isabelle Sartorius who didn't even look at me, the former girlfriend of Prince Felipe VI, she was gorgeous, but she was very nervous, people commented that she was waiting for her mother's drug dealer who was addicted to cocaine. Also there was super high, Arantxa de Benito, the wife of the Real Madrid foot ball player Guti, who apparently were always arguing. El Baralloca told me that he was going to introduce me to Alvaro de Marichalar, brother-in-law of the daughter of the King of Spain, Infanta Doña Elena. He was sitting on a couch surrounded by girls. He seemed very nice to me and he gave me his personal card. He was recounting his great feat, that he had been the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a jet ski, explaining how he traveled 5,200 nautical miles and in the conditions in which he arrived at the Marina, Miami's port from the Bahamas. I stood listening to the fantastic story, until suddenly the aristocrat of almost two meters tall stood up, grabbed my arm tightly, threw me on the sofa and put a hand on my leg very close to my intimate parts and the other arm around my neck that hurt me. I jumped to my feet, smacking him with my elbow, called him disgusting, and ran out of that corrupt and dark environment before they came to arrest me. I also smacked just before leaving with all my desire in the face of the Galician for looking at me and not defending me.

Already in the taxi, I looked at the time and thought of William and I regretted not having gone to the party, but I was passing by Calle de Serrano that was catching me on my way home and I plucked up my courage and called him on the phone thinking about That he wouldn't answer me, but his unpresentable friend answered, telling me that the party was ending but that he was going to look for William, after a few minutes William came on and told me that he was waiting for me at the door so I wouldn't go up alone. When I saw him, he made my heart skip a beat, I don't know if it was because I was super sensitive about everything that had happened to me, but I was happy to have gone even late. There were only a few guests left who were already leaving and the typical friend who waits until the end to stay with William, but I screw up her plan. That detail was a sign that he preferred to be talking to me because we both knew that nothing else was going to happen. The house in the heart of the Salamanca district was spectacular, for him just super big, even with a separate guest room where the Embassy sometimes hosted other diplomats for a few days.

We were left alone sitting in the living room on a super large and comfortable black leather sofa, watching and listening to a Sting concert in the background, without stopping to tell each other anecdotes, when in one of them we leaned back and the sofa turned around and we fell to the ground ... we were laughing for an hour, my destiny was changing, the connection between the two was wonderful but ...

Don't miss the last chapter 33.

"THE DIPLOMAT” Second part.

Unleash Your Inner Flamenca is dedicated to all the women of the world and it does not mean that you have to be flamenco or dedicate yourself to the world of dance. It is an expression, it is a way of facing the setbacks that life gives us and because flamenco has that attitude of: Here I am!

Unleashing my inner Flamenca has helped me in many very extreme situations in my life and, not only technically speaking as a flamenco professional, but in those times that I didn't have to be dancing, or teaching, or competing, or performing on stage. I’m talking about everyday life.

That is why you too can bring out your inner Flamenca. 

A flamenca woman is confident, a flamenca woman is sure of herself, has gravitas, has bearing, has wisdom and knows how to be in command. 

In other words, unleash your inner Flamenca and join me in this adventure in which we are going to have a great time! We know how it starts and we don't know how it ends, but it is sure to be one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life.

I didn't need to be famous to sleep in Hemingway's Presidential suite at the Gritti Palace in Venice for all my birthdays. 

Have a Bellini while I wait for the gondola that will take me to the private Film Festival party on the yacht of my colleague, who was a Versace collaborator, or dine on the famous terrace of the Hotel Danieli. 

It is also true that if I had slept with all my stalkers, I would now be more famous than Sara Baras. BUT! no matter how much I took a shower, the smell of vomit would not go away from my body and the phrase of: “how did I get it” would be the soundtrack of my life, which would turn my insides with each applause. 

Nor did I need to be famous to have a bodyguard escort me to the door of the plane, in the direction of the American Embassy in Beirut or go in a Limousine and drink the best champagne. 

“Todo lo he conseguido con pasión, seguridad en mi misma , esfuerzo y dedicación”. 

Proving first to myself and then to the whole world that I don't need to sell myself to a man to succeed in my career. And that I bring out the inner Flamenca every time they cross my path. 

Do not allow any man to command you or demand what you have to do. 

Lucha por lo que quieras, viste como quieras, maquíllate como quieras , estudia lo que quieras y júntate con quien quieras.

The first time a man lays his hand on you, it will be his fault, but the second time it will be your fault for putting up with the first time. 

And if you feel trapped and you are afraid to stand up to your reality, look for a way as if it were the last day of your life to give a signal at the pharmacy, at the market, to a neighbor you come across, to anyone who can hear this number: 016! and it will be the first step to your salvation, to your new life, surely filled with all the good things you long for and where no one will let you back down. You will immediately be protected by the society that will protect and help you without conditions. And I, Esther Ponce, am already thinking of you. 


I have suffered more than 10 workplace harassments from very famous people in the world of show business, and knowing what I now know, I would have denounced it. 

A I’m going to tell you how I brought out the flamenco that I have in extreme situations and that I hope and serve to help some woman to do the same as me.

For now I'm only going to use nicknames.

“If I had slept with all my stalkers, I would now be more famous than Sara Baras. "


With my testimony and my own experience, living in different countries of the world and interacting with all kinds of social classes, race, culture and religion, I want to turn around the drama that women experience in the world.
Ayudarlas a salir de ese callejón oscuro, animarlas y convencerlas de que nunca tiren la toalla , de que existe un mundo maravilloso esperándoles para sacar lo mejor de ellas. Su fuerza, su belleza interior y sus ganas de salir adelante. Que no dejen de luchar por los derechos de la mujer y la igualdad de género. Que griten a los cuatro vientos  y que no se callen nunca, que sonrían y que se llenen de paz con la belleza que nos brinda Lanzarote y su naturaleza.
That they are not alone... that they unleash their inner flamenca A strong and self-confident woman, the director of their own life. That she clings to the ground with temperance and ready to scratch at any moment if necessary and fight life with the best smile... 

I have experiences and anecdotes to tell all women; the neighborhood ones, the rich ones , the conflictive ones, the addicted ones, etc. And always with my motto that to run away from any situation, the best thing is to practice athletics! … My uncle used to called me Dance Athlete, he said; As long as you have strong legs and a strong heart, you can fly! . 

Esther Ponce's experimental Flamenco is ready for the Valencian Director of Tourism to meet

It is very gratifying to have an idea like the experimental Flamenco in Valencia, carry it out and have managed to attract more than 20 foreign clients to Valencia in a short time and without marketing, who have passed through the Flamenco Art Center, and who have not only They learned a lot if not they have returned to their country with a better concept of Valencia.

His experience and approach to flamenco led by Esther Ponce will make you return without hesitation to the city of Turia.

Esther Ponce not only surrounds them with her passion and charisma from the first moment, her professionalism and a very long journey through different countries of the world where she has lived for long periods, she makes them fall in love.

You just have to read the dedications of all the foreigners who write in their precious notebook created for them and that are already adding more and more.

«They also buy semi-professional shoes and a skirt to study with me.» That’s already the best! –
~ Esther Ponce

 The foreigner is used to teaching flamenco very quickly and without discipline, anything goes, any shoe, any skirt, hanging out even parodying and even ridiculing flamenco.

With me if they want to study two private hours which is the minimum, they are given the option of buying or renting the shoes and none of them have thought twice about it to this day.
«Being a polyglot, doors just open up to me» –
~ Esther Ponce
Definitely the Experimental Flamenco of Esther Ponce has an Angel!

From England, without a doubt the most special Experimental Flamenco we have had at the Flamenco Art Center in these two and a half years.

The Esther Ponce Stylized Flamenco Art Center has been open for two and a half years. El Ángel Every August 28, for Esther’s birthday, a new foreign student gives her a gift and the flamenco toast intensifies.

«The students do not want to miss the opportunity to study with me. When they start to study my technique they are hooked at the first second. Those who play sports and take care of themselves immediately identify with my stretching and feel safer for the rest of the class and those who don’t appreciate it and will surely start practicing it and taking care of themselves forever »
~ Esther Ponce

This year Esther thought that her Angel would be very busy due to the current pandemic situation and also that it would be a coincidence that another year happened.

But to Esther’s surprise it was like that and without doubt the most special flamenco toast for England.

«Discipline is my hallmark and not even the Covid has stopped us» «I have never doubted it and I will only teach classes with a mask»
~ Esther Ponce

After the experience of teaching classes with a mask? A private flamenco class for two hours without stopping, does Esther remember that when she and the student went out into the street they breathed for two seconds as if there were no tomorrow?According to Esther’s recent experience, with the mask you cannot see the total expression of the student, but the eyes also speak and flamenco is also expressed with the body.

With all the safety measures, the student disinfected her shoes, put hydroalcoholic gel on her hands, a temperature control was performed with a non-contact forehead thermometer and the student did not remove her mask during the two hours, only in the changing room that she only used to drink water. 

“Now I can present my Experimental Flamenco to the director of Tourism of Valencia and let him roll with the little ham :)”
~ Esther Ponce