Esther Ponce Magazine

Esther Ponce Magazine



Three years full of surreal adventures, successfully at a frenetic rhythm in Los Angeles, California 

'The President of Atletico de Madrid Enrique Cerezo, invites me to be his companion at the premiere of Will Smith's film in Madrid, but the night ends like ¡El Rosario de la Aurora! '

Ferdy had returned from Santo Domingo where he was building the mansion of his dreams, and I was looking forward to seeing him again to tell him all the news about the Flamenco Dreams DVD and about my trip to Madrid and, as always, ask him for advice.
Ferdy invited me to dinner at his house, this time will be just two of us. Since the party where I almost lost my life because of tequila, I hadn't come back, but I had to get over it and accept.
As soon as I entered the living room, it was super strange, because I remembered a scene that I had never remembered before in which all the guests looked at me, some with faces of joy for having been born again, others with amazement, most of them talking to each other and a very special and beautiful one who looked very much like the famous Spanish actor Jordi Mollá, who shook my hand and accompanied me to sit on the sofa while telling me that I had won the lottery ... when Ferdy slapped me hard in front of my nose so that I would return to the reality of the moment and accompany him to the kitchen. Ferdy's way of cooking was like himself, always thinking of pleasing women with a spicy and sensual touch. Everything was delicious and he said that the woman always had to add the final touch to the sauce with the spice. That was the moment he liked the most, he would put the spoon in your mouth, and almost at the same time he would kiss you to try it together. And the truth is that that taste on the lips was unforgettable. Despite not being really handsome, he always managed to have all women by his side because of his sweetness and his enormous wisdom about life. Ferdy used to called me the blonde gypsy and I freed myself from his clutches by reminding him that being flamenco and Catholic, he had to respect me. But the real reason why I didn't want anything with him was that he had no hair and that for me was essential in a man.

As Ferdy always liked to play jokes and after dinner, he offered me a tequila, seeing my face, he assured me that at my age it was impossible to stop drinking good tequila and that I just had to learn the lesson and never confuse it with water again. He told me very excited that his neighbor Jordi Mollá, who just left his house, had given him that bottle that he bought when he was filming in Tijuana. So the scene I remembered when I entered was not a vision and Jordi Mollá was really at that party. What's more, he gave me his phone number and he told me that he was going to Madrid to shoot and to call him when he was in Madrid. It seemed like a dream because Jordi's blue eyes were surreal, the big screen did not do him justice and it was only in person that you could truly appreciate the intense blue full of light and water, it was like looking at a piece of ocean on a stormy night, illuminated by the full moon.
Getting fully into the subject of the DVD, Ferdy advised me to have a meeting at the film production company with the film director Enrique Cerezo, who had just been appointed President of Atlético de Madrid just a few months ago. They were super friends and knew each other from the film industry. Enrique Cerezo, every time he traveled to Los Angeles, he stayed at his house because he said that there he ate wonderfully and there were always beautiful girls. Ferdy did not travel much to Spain and when he did, he did not move in the field of offices and did not suffer the envy or the impediments that the secretariats of the powerful put you. I told him that it seemed like a wonderful idea to me but that giving me the phone number was not enough, because the secretary would have me for days or months, time that I did not have, waiting to find a hole in the President's agenda and that finally he would put me on a Very credible excuse and I would never have that meeting. Felix the Cat, who was what I called him affectionately, listened to me attentively and immediately asked me to bring him the phone that was in his bedroom, while he made some Margaritas and nervously touched his shiny and hydrated buddy bald head; —In Spain it is now noon and he will be about to leave the office so I am going to call and tell him that the beautiful Spanish artist and queen of flamenco will visit , that listen to you and take a look to the DVD that I film. They were talking for a long time and I took the opportunity to gossip about his agenda and see how many famous people he knew and with whom he had a very good friendship.

Enrique Cerezo producciones was on the outskirts of Madrid in the City of the Image and from my house in La Piovera, it took me a long time to arrive, but I was punctual as I learned to be in LA.
La secretaria salió a recibirme y me invitó a sentarme en el sofá que hay justo debajo de la escalera y desde donde se podía ver perfectamente a todos los empleados en el primer piso yendo de un lugar a otro por un pasillo interminable, entrando y saliendo de las oficinas hablando en voz alta y por supuesto observándome con gran curiosidad. Hasta que se asomó por la barandilla un hombre bajito de unos 55 años, con mucho pelo peinado hacia un lado y al verme me sonrió como si me conociera de toda la vida y bajo a buscarme. Siempre me quedé con la duda de saber si esa sonrisa fue provocada por algo que le dijera Ferdy o porque le gusté y quería ser simpático. Ya en su despacho y con el DVD de Flamenco Dreams en la mano, me dijo que le parecía muy interesante haberme conocido y que iba a valorar el producir una película sobre la historia que yo le había contado de cómo por culpa de Enrique Morente y Diego el Cigala en una noche de juerga, nace Flamenco Dreams. —¡Del Rastro de Madrid a Hollywood! Le dije yo toda emocionada.
He asked me if I had plans for that late night, because he wanted to invite me to the presentation of the movie "Bad Boys II" by Hollywood actor Will Smith, where Jordi Mollá played a cunning drug dealer ...
As I was close to Majadahonda, I had already arranged to eat at my godmother's house and she liked to do a long after-lunch talking about art and painting, fairies and angel sharks and then playing the piano, so I would finish quite late and the idea of going home, choosing clothes to wear, and getting ready quickly didn't feel like much. But while I was thinking all that, Enrique Cerezo called his secretary to give her the address of my house since himself would pick me up and we would arrive together to the presentation. Getting out of the same car as the President of Atlético de Madrid made me think of Ferdy and his advice, so I reacted immediately and accepted the invitation.
My best dresses were in LA and I didn't have time to go shopping, thank goodness I remembered a Dolce and Gabana dress that I wore at the party where I danced for the actor Andy Garcia, who was in Madrid to promote his latest movie and it was still at the cleaners.

Todos estábamos esperando a que llegaran los actores, especialmente Will Smith, mientras tanto los camareros no paraban de pasar bandejas con canapés que parecían estar riquísimos pero yo estaba llenísima de la comilona que me había dado con mi madrina. Muchas personas no dejaban de mirarme, una mujer bella de 30 años al lado de un poderoso  25 años mayor…esta claro que con la mentalidad española , no pensarían nada bueno. Hasta que llegaron los paparazzi a entrevistar a Cerezo y yo que estaba a su lado, saldría en la TV. Al instante sonó mi móvil y era mi hermano que es forofo del fútbol y que me estaba viendo en las noticias, para advertirme que tuviese cuidado. Si le hubiese hecho caso a mi madre y me hubiese desmayado delante de la prensa, ahora mismo no estaría escribiendo este capítulo porque sería famosa.
Después de recibir a los actores, los invitados pasaríamos a ver la película. Enrique Cerezo me preguntó que quería hacer, si irme a cenar con él o pasar juntos a ver la película, después de la advertencia de mi hermano y de lo  que mi intuición femenina me decía, decidí erróneamente quedarme a ver la película, por lo que Cerezo llamó a su chofer para que se marchara y que le llamaría al finalizar, o sea tres horas más tarde. La película empezó con un tiroteo que duró más de 25 minutos hasta que pronunciaron la primera palabra y los oídos me iban a estallar. Me estaba sintiendo incomoda , ese tipo de película no me gustaba y me estaban sonando las tripas de hambre. Le dije al oido al Presidente que prefería irme a cenar, pero él no se lo tomó muy bien y me dijo que ya le había dicho al chofer que se fuera y que no podíamos irnos. En ese momento, la Diva se apoderó de mí y le dije en inglés que no soportaba los tiros, que me dolía la cabeza , que tenia mucha hambre , que me dolían los pies de los tacones , que tenía frío y que iba a salir a pedir un ibuprofen y pedir que bajaran el aire acondicionado.

Ya no volví a entrar y esperé a que salieran todos. La pregunta de ¿que hubiese pasado si hubiese aceptado ir cenar con él ? me estaba torturando y me sentía fatal. Como buena luchadora , el DVD tenía que llegar lo más lejos posible y esa película hubiese sido crucial en mi carrera, pero mi dignidad era más importante .
I did not want to call a taxi and go alone because in the President's car, I had left a beautiful wild silk shawl that I was very fond of as a gift from my mother and a Louis Vuitton document bag full of important material that surely after all , I would never see again.

Enrique Cerezo left a little before the rest of the guests and found me outside the venue, he approached me and told me that the driver would arrive soon and that they would leave me at home first.
Serían casi las dos de la madrugada, para  llegar a la Piovera hay que pasar por la Calle Velázquez y Justo al pasar por delante del VIPS, no pude evitarlo y le dije al chofer como si fuese mío el coche, que parase que necesitaba comer algo porque me iba a desmayar, que pena que ese desmayo no lo vería nadie, y Enrique Cerezo por la amistad que nos unía con Ferdy tuvo que doblegar.
Entramos en el VIPS y solamente cené yo, cuando le pregunté que porque él no cenaba, me contestó que él nunca cenaba, ¿entonces? ¿Porqué me había invitado antes a cenar ? ¿Solo hubiese cenado yo ?  y mientras yo cenaba , ¿ él que haría?
Para fastidiarle un poco, pedí bastante comida y las famosas tortitas de postre que tardaron unos 20 minutos en salir recién hechas. Finalmente me dejaron en casa pero dos calles más abajo porque no quería que supieran exactamente donde vivía.


'Business dinner for three, with the Director of Canal plus Jose Manuel Lorenzo Torres and my cousin at the luxury restaurant" Bice "in Madrid'

La Opinión de Los Angeles Newspaper
Solamente necesito que me digas
Que lo que siento no es locura
Que tú lo sientes cuando me miras
Agua de una fuente misteriosa
Bebieron mis labios de tu boca

Unleash Your Inner Flamenca is dedicated to all the women of the world and it does not mean that you have to be flamenco or dedicate yourself to the world of dance. It is an expression, it is a way of facing the setbacks that life gives us and because flamenco has that attitude of: Here I am!

Unleashing my inner Flamenca has helped me in many very extreme situations in my life and, not only technically speaking as a flamenco professional, but in those times that I didn't have to be dancing, or teaching, or competing, or performing on stage. I’m talking about everyday life.

That is why you too can bring out your inner Flamenca. 

A flamenca woman is confident, a flamenca woman is sure of herself, has gravitas, has bearing, has wisdom and knows how to be in command. 

In other words, unleash your inner Flamenca and join me in this adventure in which we are going to have a great time! We know how it starts and we don't know how it ends, but it is sure to be one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life.

I didn't need to be famous to sleep in Hemingway's Presidential suite at the Gritti Palace in Venice for all my birthdays. 

Have a Bellini while I wait for the gondola that will take me to the private Film Festival party on the yacht of my colleague, who was a Versace collaborator, or dine on the famous terrace of the Hotel Danieli. 

It is also true that if I had slept with all my stalkers, I would now be more famous than Sara Baras. BUT! no matter how much I took a shower, the smell of vomit would not go away from my body and the phrase of: “how did I get it” would be the soundtrack of my life, which would turn my insides with each applause. 

Nor did I need to be famous to have a bodyguard escort me to the door of the plane, in the direction of the American Embassy in Beirut or go in a Limousine and drink the best champagne. 

“Todo lo he conseguido con pasión, seguridad en mi misma , esfuerzo y dedicación”. 

Proving first to myself and then to the whole world that I don't need to sell myself to a man to succeed in my career. And that I bring out the inner Flamenca every time they cross my path. 

Do not allow any man to command you or demand what you have to do. 

Lucha por lo que quieras, viste como quieras, maquíllate como quieras , estudia lo que quieras y júntate con quien quieras.

The first time a man lays his hand on you, it will be his fault, but the second time it will be your fault for putting up with the first time. 

And if you feel trapped and you are afraid to stand up to your reality, look for a way as if it were the last day of your life to give a signal at the pharmacy, at the market, to a neighbor you come across, to anyone who can hear this number: 016! and it will be the first step to your salvation, to your new life, surely filled with all the good things you long for and where no one will let you back down. You will immediately be protected by the society that will protect and help you without conditions. And I, Esther Ponce, am already thinking of you. 


I have suffered more than 10 workplace harassments from very famous people in the world of show business, and knowing what I now know, I would have denounced it. 

A I’m going to tell you how I brought out the flamenco that I have in extreme situations and that I hope and serve to help some woman to do the same as me.

For now I'm only going to use nicknames.

“If I had slept with all my stalkers, I would now be more famous than Sara Baras. "


With my testimony and my own experience, living in different countries of the world and interacting with all kinds of social classes, race, culture and religion, I want to turn around the drama that women experience in the world.
Ayudarlas a salir de ese callejón oscuro, animarlas y convencerlas de que nunca tiren la toalla , de que existe un mundo maravilloso esperándoles para sacar lo mejor de ellas. Su fuerza, su belleza interior y sus ganas de salir adelante. Que no dejen de luchar por los derechos de la mujer y la igualdad de género. Que griten a los cuatro vientos  y que no se callen nunca, que sonrían y que se llenen de paz con la belleza que nos brinda Lanzarote y su naturaleza.
That they are not alone... that they unleash their inner flamenca A strong and self-confident woman, the director of their own life. That she clings to the ground with temperance and ready to scratch at any moment if necessary and fight life with the best smile... 

I have experiences and anecdotes to tell all women; the neighborhood ones, the rich ones , the conflictive ones, the addicted ones, etc. And always with my motto that to run away from any situation, the best thing is to practice athletics! … My uncle used to called me Dance Athlete, he said; As long as you have strong legs and a strong heart, you can fly! . 

Esther Ponce's experimental Flamenco is ready for the Valencian Director of Tourism to meet

It is very gratifying to have an idea like the experimental Flamenco in Valencia, carry it out and have managed to attract more than 20 foreign clients to Valencia in a short time and without marketing, who have passed through the Flamenco Art Center, and who have not only They learned a lot if not they have returned to their country with a better concept of Valencia.

His experience and approach to flamenco led by Esther Ponce will make you return without hesitation to the city of Turia.

Esther Ponce not only surrounds them with her passion and charisma from the first moment, her professionalism and a very long journey through different countries of the world where she has lived for long periods, she makes them fall in love.

You just have to read the dedications of all the foreigners who write in their precious notebook created for them and that are already adding more and more.

«They also buy semi-professional shoes and a skirt to study with me.» That’s already the best! –
~ Esther Ponce

 The foreigner is used to teaching flamenco very quickly and without discipline, anything goes, any shoe, any skirt, hanging out even parodying and even ridiculing flamenco.

With me if they want to study two private hours which is the minimum, they are given the option of buying or renting the shoes and none of them have thought twice about it to this day.
«Being a polyglot, doors just open up to me» –
~ Esther Ponce
Definitely the Experimental Flamenco of Esther Ponce has an Angel!

From England, without a doubt the most special Experimental Flamenco we have had at the Flamenco Art Center in these two and a half years.

The Esther Ponce Stylized Flamenco Art Center has been open for two and a half years. El Ángel Every August 28, for Esther’s birthday, a new foreign student gives her a gift and the flamenco toast intensifies.

«The students do not want to miss the opportunity to study with me. When they start to study my technique they are hooked at the first second. Those who play sports and take care of themselves immediately identify with my stretching and feel safer for the rest of the class and those who don’t appreciate it and will surely start practicing it and taking care of themselves forever »
~ Esther Ponce

This year Esther thought that her Angel would be very busy due to the current pandemic situation and also that it would be a coincidence that another year happened.

But to Esther’s surprise it was like that and without doubt the most special flamenco toast for England.

«Discipline is my hallmark and not even the Covid has stopped us» «I have never doubted it and I will only teach classes with a mask»
~ Esther Ponce

After the experience of teaching classes with a mask? A private flamenco class for two hours without stopping, does Esther remember that when she and the student went out into the street they breathed for two seconds as if there were no tomorrow?According to Esther’s recent experience, with the mask you cannot see the total expression of the student, but the eyes also speak and flamenco is also expressed with the body.

With all the safety measures, the student disinfected her shoes, put hydroalcoholic gel on her hands, a temperature control was performed with a non-contact forehead thermometer and the student did not remove her mask during the two hours, only in the changing room that she only used to drink water. 

“Now I can present my Experimental Flamenco to the director of Tourism of Valencia and let him roll with the little ham :)”
~ Esther Ponce