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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’40’ heading=’BALLET AND BOWLING SCHOOL’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=’#000000′ size=» subheading_active=» subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=» admin_preview_bg=» av-desktop-hide=» av-medium-hide=» av-small-hide=» av-mini-hide=» av-medium-font-size-title=» av-small-font-size-title=» av-mini-font-size-title=» av-medium-font-size=» av-small-font-size=» av-mini-font-size=»][/av_heading]

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Ballet and School bowling with Chopsticks (Castanets).
– After 3 years-

The base of the Bowling School is ballet. Once the base of the ballet has been worked on and incorporated, we will begin to educate the musical ear by coordinating the arms and feet with the chopsticks (Castañuelas).

The ballet strengthens the respiratory system, helps the development of the flat foot, you get agility in the movement, elasticity and a great balance among many other benefits.

While the ballet is practiced, we not only exercise the body, the brain is also being stimulated.

It is not possible to participate in a class without being totally concentrated.

Classes focus on different parts of the body: arms, legs, stomach muscles, feet and ankles, which become stronger and firmer.

Practicing it regularly improves posture and balance, our figure becomes longer, thinner and more elegant.
The physical benefits of the ballet will begin to be noticed after a few weeks of regular attendance at the classes.

However, the feeling of well-being of the classes will be visible almost immediately, because in addition to physical activity, ballet is excellent for mental health.

Teresa, 12, is studying bowling school with Esther Ponce. A very high challenge with great technical discipline and coordination.

Ballet classes for adults.

The benefits of this discipline is that it is designed to work both the exercises in the bar and in the center with both feet, thus working a mental balance that will undoubtedly improve our memory at the same time that we lengthen the life of our bones and improve the circulation.

We also eliminate the accumulated stress in the neck and back by means of gentle and elegant stretches.

With the practice of ballet we get an upright posture with a strengthened bone line essential to avoid the aging of bones and joints.

With these new dance disciplines, the center continues to consolidate in the city of Valencia, increasing the offer of courses and offering in each of them all the art and experience of the choreographer Esther Ponce.

For more information, send us an e-mail to info@estherponce.com or visit us personally at the Center.


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